Day 2-5, Belize:

Belize is a beautiful historical place, that is home to a very important ancient Mayan city, as well as a whole bunch of jaw-dropping jungles, that creates an amazing environment for many native animals. I would tour:

Tikal, which is an ancient city that dates back to 900 A.D. It was built by the Mayans, and became very important to the Empire of Maya. The Empire of Maya was civilized, and developed by the Mayan people. It was very civilized, and developed many methods that have evolved over time to what we use today, such as art, mathematics, architecture, and astronomical system. I don´t want to miss an amazingly knowledgeable historical sight like Tikal!

The Belize rain forest. Belize is well known for it´s amazing rain forest, that takes up about half of the country. Belize´s rain forest remains under government protection, so the natural land is not to get destroyed. These rain forests are home for many animals such as crocodiles, ocelots, wild cats, puma, jaguar, and tapir. These tropical rain forest are perfect for taking an amazing hike, and really enjoying nature.